To break the two party Duopoly we have two main missions

A Members Movement

Join the Modern Day American Party by being one of the first million members to sign up and focus on reducing corruption in government by fixing issues such as:

  • - Congressional Term Limits

  • - Political Insider Trading

  • - State Gerrymandering

We can do this by Uniting & Pooling resources to fight back against:

  • - Corporate Influence

  • - Lobbyist Groups

  • - Hedge Funds

  • - Billionaires

An Independent Coalition

A coalition of Youth-led organizations focused on challenging the Two-Party Duopoly by organizing resources and strategically promoting the general election of Millennial and GenZ representation.

“Millennials and GenZ although representing 38% of the voting population, only represents 7% of the elected officials in congress.”

We can accomplish these goals by promoting civil debates on critical issues, the promotion of qualified candidates through the coalitions network, and by targeting our efforts for maximum effect.


  • Millennial and GenZ represent roughly 7% of Congress

    Our Goal:

    10% of the elected officials in Congress

  • 25% of Federal and State Congress be a representation of Millennial and GenZ generations

  • 50% of Federal and State Congress be a representation of Millennial and GenZ generation.

    Independent National Coalition

    Elect an Independent Party President in 2028!

Impact Milestones

The Core Issues

  • Term Limits

    Do you want to empower change and create a Congress for the People, by the People?

    It’s time for New Terms, New Beginnings:

  • Gerrymandering

    Don’t be blind, draw the line.
    Together we can fight for Equal Representation, with no Manipulation

  • Ranked Choice Voting

    The time to rethink elections and unshackle democracy from a two choice system. Empower your vote with multiple choices.

  • Political Insider Trading

    Being elected is for Public Service, not Private Gain. We need to regain Trust, Integrity, and Accountability in Congress.